Paki-iti Farms Ltd is a family owned company based in the northern Manawatu. The properties comprise of an 890ha steep hill country block at Rangiwahia where the maternal ram breeding programme is based and 420ha of better country through the Kimbolton district where the terminal ram breeding programme is based.
Romney rams have been bred at Rangiwahia since 1920, with a Romtex breeding programme being added in 2011. Suffolk rams have been bred since 1995 with a Suftex breeding programme being added in 2007. Stewart and Andrew Morton are fourth generation ram breeders who started breeding rams at the ages of ten and eight when they formed a partnership with their younger sister. They pooled their savings and purchased 10 recorded Romney ewes from Paki-iti. This was their introduction to ram breeding with involvement through the breeding cycle from mating to docking to ram selling and the recording that goes with it.
After completing secondary school, Stewart worked on several properties in the North and South Islands as well as completing a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Agriculture at Massey University. Andrew went to Telford Polytech in Balclutha and worked on properties in the North Island. At the ages of 26 and 24 Stewart and Andrew took over the management of Paki-iti and have continued the tradition set by their father and grandfather of breeding rams suitable for the New Zealand sheep industry.
Romney rams have been bred at Rangiwahia since 1920, with a Romtex breeding programme being added in 2011. Suffolk rams have been bred since 1995 with a Suftex breeding programme being added in 2007. Stewart and Andrew Morton are fourth generation ram breeders who started breeding rams at the ages of ten and eight when they formed a partnership with their younger sister. They pooled their savings and purchased 10 recorded Romney ewes from Paki-iti. This was their introduction to ram breeding with involvement through the breeding cycle from mating to docking to ram selling and the recording that goes with it.
After completing secondary school, Stewart worked on several properties in the North and South Islands as well as completing a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Agriculture at Massey University. Andrew went to Telford Polytech in Balclutha and worked on properties in the North Island. At the ages of 26 and 24 Stewart and Andrew took over the management of Paki-iti and have continued the tradition set by their father and grandfather of breeding rams suitable for the New Zealand sheep industry.